

Espresso brewing is art and science that is fun, exciting, and rewarding. With the right equipment, proper beans, and skilled brewing, dialing espresso shots can be an excellent method to savor your coffee's flavor profiles.

Be patient, creative, and persistence in pursuing the flavor profile you enjoy. The below steps are a good starting point to understand the basics of espresso.  


  1. Prep your machine with water.

  2. Remove the portafilter from the espresso machine's group head. 

  3. Purge your group head with hot water.

  4. Dial your burr grinder to the factory default setting to start.

  5. For a double shot weight 18 grams. For a single shot grind 9 grams of coffee into your basket.

  6. Place your portafilter onto a flat clean surface.

  7. Distribute the grinds evenly with a espresso leveling tool or your finger.

  8. Pickup your tamper and apply 20-30 lbs pressure into grinds. 

  9. Position the portafilter into the group head and begin your shot.

  10. Your double shot should take 25-30 seconds. If it’s under 20 seconds your shot most likely will be under-extracted and sour. You must dial your grinder to a finer setting. If your shot is over 34 seconds your shot is likely over-extracted and bitter and you must dial your grinder to a coarser setting. You must keep dialing your shot until you reach the 25-30 second goal.

  11. Your espresso shot should taste balanced, naturally sweet, flavorful, complex, and delicious. A proper shot should create a golden, creamy top layer called crema.