

The Chemex was invented in 1941 by a German inventor named Peter Schlumbohm. We simply love the aesthetic beauty and functionality of his invention. It produces a wonderfully smooth, flavor packed, and balanced cup of coffee.   


  1. Boil 960 grams of water for a 6 cup Chemex.

  2. Weigh 60 grams of coffee (5 Tbps).

  3. Grind your coffee to course grind.

  4. Unfold filter and place into Chemex.

  5. Temper your Chemex by pouring hot water through paper filter to remove any residual paper taste and discard water.

  6. Pour your 60 grams of ground coffee onto filter. 

  7. Pour 120 grams of water onto grinds.

  8. Allow coffee to "bloom" for 30 seconds.

  9. Pour the rest of the remaining water onto the coffee bed in swirling motions. Be sure to fully saturate the coffee grinds.

  10. Enjoy!